Gain first-priority lien coverage on all collateral securing your loan

  • Obtain first priority lien coverage on all types of Article 8 or Article 9 collateral, including accounts, inventory, equipment, general intangibles, instruments, deposit accounts, investment property and proceeds.

  • Obtain full title insurance protection and priority coverage for your valuable personal property collateral as you now routinely obtain for your real estate collateral.

  • Acquire a personal property title insurance policy that financial institutions and leading law firms utilize as a best practice.

  • Gain peace of mind knowing that you are protected by the UCCPlus policy which provides the best coverage in the industry.

  • Reduce your law firm’s exposure to legal opinion liability.

UCCPlus Insurance Policies

The statements made on this web page and any page that follows within the UCCPlus website are not intended, and shall not be construed to expressly or impliedly issue or deliver any form of written guaranty, affirmation, indemnification, or certification of any fact, insurance coverage or conclusion of law.